Full Calendar
If you'd like an event listed here, please contact us.
Every Tuesday
and FMCC evening
meeting at the Falcon in Walton, Felixstowe. Map
25th February
Sizewell Sort Out Autojumble at Sizewell sports &
social club in Leiston. Map
Entry: £4 (unders 16s free). Inside & outside
stalls. If you’d like a stall please get in contact; There’s limited
availability for stalls so pre-bookings only!
2nd March
VMCC Cyclemotor Section The Winter
Run from The Plough, 17 Ploughley Road,
Arncott. OX25 1NY. Map
10:30am start: a nice easy 25-mile run to start the
Malcolm Tappin:
29 March
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
30th March
Bromfietsbeurs Waarland
Sportpodium Waarland, Kerkstraat 63, 1738bj Waarland,
The Netherlands Map
09:00 to 15:00 hrs. Admission €5.00, children
under 10 free.
(This is the event that used to be at Heerhugowaard)
13th April
The Radar Run—ideal for cyclemotors
The Radar Run has an optional, shortened route for cyclemotors, 11 miles shorter than the main route. The cyclemotor route runs along the same roads as the main route but omits two ‘dead end’ spurs. This means that the back-up vehicle can cover both routes.
20th Radar Run and Mopedjumble starts at Bromeswell Village
Hall Map
There’s a superb circuit around Bawdsey peninsula with
lots of historical interest details on the course notes. All
welcome—free Day Membership if you're not an EACC member, the usual free pitches for jumble
stands—call Paul on
to allow him to set your spot in the hall. Jumble opens
from 9:30am, run sets off at 11am.
Everyone welcome - Free day membership if you're not an EACC member.
18th–20th April
EACC Lancashire Slow Riders
Welsh Ride Weekend
The first LSR rally weekend of 2025 will be held in
North Wales, at Dyserth near Rhyl. Held over the Easter Bank Holiday
weekend with rides planned each day Friday–Sunday.
Anyone wanting to attend, please contact Paul:
20th April
VMCC Cyclemotor
Section The Welsh Run from Castle Street Car Park,
Abergavenny. Map
Meet at 10:30am for a 30-mile ride.
Philippa Wheeler:
26 April
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
27th April—Ride it Day
Ride it Day
Every year the FBHVC
has its Drive it/Ride it Day on the Sunday nearest to St George’s
The aim of Drive it Day is to increase public awareness of Vintage and
Classic vehicles by having as many as possible on the road for one
day. There are many events—see the Federation Website—www.fbhvc.co.uk—for more details. Several museums arrange
special parking areas and reduced admission fees for anyone arriving in or
on an old vehicle. Or you can just take your old vehicle along to
whatever you’d be doing anyway: going to work, going shopping,
In 2025, Drive it Day will be a week later than usual to
avoid Easter. It will again be run in support of the NSPCC’s
Drive it Day raises over £40,000 each year for the Childline service
through rally plate sales and clubs holding their own events. This
staggering amount shows what can be achieved through the generous support
of the Classic and Historical Vehicle Community. This year there are
special ‘Ride it Day’ rally plaques for motor cycles—buying one from the
Drive it Day website will
help raise money for Childline.
27th April—Ride it Day
VMCC Cyclemotor
Section The Cotswold Run from Carlés Coffee, Cerney Wick Lane,
Cirencester. Map
A new run for 2025. Flat with lovely
scenery. 10:30am start.
Mark Compton:
4th May
VMCC Cyclemotor Section The Nasty
Run from the Rising Sun, Halls Green,
SG4 7DR (TL275286 on Landranger sheet 166). Map
Meet at 10:30am. This will be following its
traditional route through gently rolling Hertfordshire countryside.
The full route, which passes through the village of Nasty, is 26
miles. There is a shorter version of 19 miles, missing out the Nasty
bit, designed for cyclemotors and lower powered machines. Café stop
half way round.
For more information call Chris on
4th May
53rd Ipswich to Felixstowe Road Run,
organised by Ipswich Transport Museum.
Several EACC
members take part in this every year—and several more watch it go past the
Falcon at
Walton, Felixstowe.
11:30am departure from Christchurch Park, Ipswich to Felixstowe Promenade,
where the vehicles will be on display in the afternoon. Entries have
to be in by the end of March (but the spaces can fill up before
31 May
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
1st June
The VMCC Cyclemotor Section will be at
Stony Stratford Classic Car & Bike Show in Stony Stratord Market
Place Map
09:30–14:00. Go to the Vintage Stony website to book your place.
8th June
VMCC Cyclemotor Section The
Postcombe Run at 10:30am from England’s Rose,
Postcombe, OX9 7DP Map
25-mile ride
Malcolm Tappin on
21st & 22nd June
Rally at Monkwood, near Alresford, Hampshire, Map
is looking to expand its motor cycle section, and would welcome a display
of cyclemotors, autocycles, and mopeds
There is free camping for exhibitors, an on-site bar, and music on the
Saturday evening.
can give more information on an EACC display at the rally and may
also be tempted to organise a short run out around the South Downs National
Park on the Saturday evening, if there is enough interest.
22nd June
VMCC Cyclemotor Section Bikes in Beds Run from
Dukes (The Dukes Arms), High Street, Woodford,
Kettering, NN14 4HE. Map
Meet at 10:00 for a 10:30am start, 33-mile ride.
Hugh Gallagher:
28 June
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
13th July (provisional date TBC)
Why ‘The Greenway Run’?
The name ‘The Greenway Run’ commemorates Stan Greenway, a pioneer member of the VMCC Cyclemotor Section, pictured here on his Rex cyclemotor.
VMCC Cyclemotor Section Greenway Run from the
Stratton Arms, Turweston,
Buckinghamshire. Map
Meet at 10:30am for a 30-mile ride.
Information from
, or
26 July
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
27th July
VMCC Cyclemotor Section Oily Rag Run from the
New Inn, Abthorpe, NN12 8QR. Map
Meet at 10:00 am for a 10:30 start on ride of
25 miles.
Information from Alan Berkshire:
10th August
100-miles: suitable for cyclemotors?
The VMCC 100-mile Cyclemotor Run was first run in 1985 and, in those days, nearly everyone did it on a cyclemotor. The idea was that the run should be challenging; to experience that properly, you ought to ride a cyclemotor. A quick three circuits on a moped before lunchtime isn’t really what the event is about.
VMCC Cyclemotor Section 100-mile run from Quainton
Memorial Hall, Station Road, Quainton, HP22 4BW. Map
From 9:00am onwards. The route is 33⅓ miles,
complete three circuits if you fancy the challenge of the 100 miles.
Food & Refresh- ments provided throughout the day.
Mark Compton:
20th August
VMCC Cyclemotor Section Swanbourne Run from the
Betsy Wynne, Swanbourne,
MK17 0SH. Map
A 10:30 start to this mid-week run, new for
Information from John Perry:
22nd to 24th August
24-hour Moped Endurance Race in Serbia
For information please contact Igor Gašparević.
+381 (0)60/0-636-636
30 August
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.
14th September
VMCC Cyclemotor Section The Radnor
Run from The Swan, Radcot Bridge,
Oxfordshire. Map
A lovely run of about 28 miles by the banks of the
Thames. Start at 10:30am.
Information from Frank Chapman on
27 September
David Silver Spares Bike Meet in
Leiston Map
9.00am to 4.00pm. Free entry to the bike museum
for the day, plus a catering and refreshment van on-site.
More details on the Facebook page.