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CAMmag Contacts

How to contact the IceniCAM team or fellow IceniCAM readers

Who we are: contact details

IceniCAM is run by Andrew Pattle and Mark Daniels and there are many reasons why you might want to contact them: You might want to—Subscribe to the magazine—Make a donation (You can also donate via PayPal—see below)—Sponsor an article—Enter a free advert—Submit an article yourself—Write a letter to us—Propose a machine for a feature—Offer your machine for a test feature—Ask us a technical question—oh, and lots of other reasons we can’t think of at the moment.  Anyway, if you do, then either write or e-mail.

Our preferred postal address is:
144 The Street
Rushmere St Andrew

which is Mark Daniels’s address.
If you particularly want to write to Andrew, then 7 Unity Road, Stowmarket, IP14 1AS is his address.

Our preferred e-mail address is

which goes to Andrew Pattle.
If you particularly want to e-mail Mark, then is his e-mail address.

Our Privacy Policy

You can help to keep IceniCAM running by making a small donation.

You can send a cheque or Postal Order, made out to ‘Iceni CAM Magazine’, to Mark at the address above.

You can bank transfer to Iceni CAM Magazine at the Co-operative Bank, sort code 08-92-99, account 65243763.


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This page was updated on 22 July 2021

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