Batavus GoGo, Prius, Pronto, Batavette, HS50, Bronco,
etc. 55mm decals for mag/clutch covers—£20 pair
+ postage.
Colours can be changed or customised if required.
Contact Neil at Walton Works Graphics
Tel: 01394-670704 or Mobile: 07411-978175
Bernardi Buzz tank stickers. Set of two sent anywhere in
the world for £2
Contact: Rod Fryatt,
Dunkley brand transfer
Each, £5 + £1 P&P
(20% larger than original)
Contact: Dunkley marque adviser.
Dunkley "Popular" scooter transfer (typically applied on side
panels, 2 per machine)
Pair, £5 + 50p P&P
Contact: Hercules marque adviser.
'Major' transfers were applied the Dunkley Major scooter side panels. These have not yet been re-generated to our knowledge.
Dunkley Whippet 60 models are also believed to have had a 'Whippet 60' transfer on the left side of the front mudguard. Not available.
Dunkley Whippet Sports had special tank transfers 'Whippet Sports (with some other symbol)'. Not available.
Left & right hand tank sides + 2 side panel winged
Set of 4, £20 + 50p P&P
Contact: Hercules marque adviser.
'Oil mix' tank transfer
Each, £2.50 + 50p P&P
Contact: Hercules marque adviser.
Brand transfer 'Winged figure'
Each, £3.50p + 50p P&P
Notes - Fitted to Mercette rear mudguard,
Grey Streak petrol tank (2 sides), Hermes front and rear
mudguard, Dolphin sidepanels, Pippin unknown.
Contact Hercules marque
Left hand & right hand 'Mercette' tank transfers & 2
× 'Mercury' chainguard transfers
Set of 4, £10 + 50p P&P
Contact: Hercules marque adviser.
1 × offside legshield (grey script) & 2 × side
panel (green)
Set of 3, £12 + 50p P&P
Contact: Raleigh marque adviser.
Tank decals
Pair, €14
Contact: Jacques Bermingham
Tel: +33 (0)6 63 15 54 43
A full range of Raleigh moped transfers is available from ‘billbo45’ of the Mobylette Forum.
See for details.
Tank decals
Pair, £5 + £1 P&P
Contact: Tiernan Classics, The Old Railway
Station, Station Road, Framlingham, Woodbridge, Suffolk,
IP3 9EE.
Tel: 01728 724321
This page was updated on 6 January 2018
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