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The Boot and back

5 March 2017

Photos by Andrew Pattle

To fill the gap between the Mince Pie Run and the Duloe Daffodil Dash, we like to go to a Veteran-Cycle Club ride.  This is ‘The Boot and Back’ at Weston in Hertfordshire and the object is to cycle over the 4½-mile course as closely as possible to a target time—neither too quickly nor too slowly.

There were fewer participants than usual because it was pouring with rain most of the morning … but the rain stopped and the sun came out as the ride was about to start.

Bill with Merlin trike BSA, Merlin, Rudge, Merlin A solid tyred safety Raleigh The Boot and Back The Boot and Back The Boot and Back The Swiss Army arrives Cally Royal Enfield Outside the Red Lion Timekeepers The Boot and Back Merlin trike The Boot and Back