The weather the week before our run was perfect for motor cycling; by Sunday it was very cold but calm and dry and so the day began well. On arrival at the hall, Ralph had everything as it should be: hot bacon rolls and a brew on.
After about an hour and a half we ran out of rolls such was the turn out. 36 EACC members signed on along with another four from the VMCC - it just gets better!
Ralph brought along a rebuilt trade bike in superb condition and sold it straight away; several bins full of old junk seemed to keep turning over but we missed Danny's superb layout of new parts ... "come back Danny - all is forgiven".
At 11:15am we departed from Duloe village hall for 28 miles of North Bedfordshire villages. Lots of daffodils everywhere and, with Ralph in the recovery van, what could go wrong? Well, nobody broke down. but Cherry Truluck from Peterborough had an accident and, I believe, ended up in a ditch with a cut lip and a nasty gouge in her leg. Her husband John appeared at our lunch stop with his SUV and departed with her to Peterborough hospital.
With nearly twice as many turning up at the pub as I had predicted when notifying the landlord, he seemed unable to cope and I believe there was some animosity between him and one of the riders over a food order. We will find a different lunch stop next year that can cope with the numbers we are getting.
So, while not without incident, everybody seemed to enjoy the run and the return journey was uneventful. Ralph was there to greet us with home-made cakes and tea. After all the expenses we were able to contribute £41 to EACC funds.
Alex Lees
PS: Since writing this report I have managed to speak to John Truruck and he informs me that his wife Cherry, after three hours at A&E, is on the mend and that she thanks everyone for their help and good wishes.
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