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EACC weekend at the Horham Bygones Rally

Sunday 13 June 2010

Photos by Mark Daniels, Carl Harper & Andrew Pattle

Back to Saturday's pictures

Bright and Early

BSA Beagle Puch Maxi and Mobylette New Hudson and Mobylette Mobylette Making breakfast David Watson and Luke Booth

Before the road run

James Comet Restored Raleigh RM2 Unrestored Raleigh RM1 3-speed Puch Cyclotracteur Making adjustments to a James autocycle The bikes outside the Community Centre The bikes outside the Community Centre

Setting off

Danny leads on the Bown Tony on his Mobylette Paul Efreme and Stephen Cobb Jim and Ken Colin Clover Dave Evans

Earl Soham

The bikes outside the Victoria The bikes outside the Victoria The bikes outside the Victoria The bikes outside the Victoria

Return to Horham

Carl rides a Puch Maxi Luke rides a BSA Tony rides a Mobylette Danny rides a Bown Ef rides a Raleigh Riders leaving Earl Soham Dave rides a Puc The last few depart Last but one is Dave on a Mobylette ...while the last is ... Dave on a Mobylette
Fixing a fuel blockage on a Mobylette

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