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The Shuttleworth Shuffle

Sunday 4 September 2011

Report by Alex Lees
Photos by Andrew Pattle and David Watson

A much better turnout than our previous run from Thurleigh with 22 signed on riders.  An excellent day was in prospect.  Owen and Lyn Gough were the first arrivals with their jumble and Lyn, as always ,a great help in the kitchen assisting Ralph with bacon rolls, tea and coffee.

Danny turned up with his excellent display of new and second hand parts and had, I believe, a profitable day.

By 11:15am we decided to get the run underway as there were onerous signs from above!  Ralph rode his Rudge and I drove the recovery vehicle.

After about a mile the Mobylette pacing bike stopped and could not be coaxed back into life, so I took it on board.  We soon caught everyone up at the White Horse pub stop.

When we came to leave the White Horse the heavens opened - and I mean opened.  Another Moby would not start so I had a car full to bring back to Willington, only to find the car park flooded.

But all in all a good time was had and everyone enjoyed the day.  We have noticed the village hall prices rising quite dramatically and I think this will have to be addressed at the forthcoming AGM.

Alex Lees

p.s. A small black casual jacket was left in the hall at Willington.

Willington Peace Memorial Hall

Gathering at the hall Dave's Cyclemaster fits easily in his car - getting it out wasn't quite as easy Flying Flea Gathering at the hall Puch Rudge autocycle Cyclemaster James Superlux Casal Casal Raleigh RM8 Inside the hall Inside the hall

Outward ride

Leaving the hall A pause along the route Dave rides past on the Cyclemaster Along the route We passed some MGs going the other way Dave pulls over to let the Cyclemaster cool down Along the route Along the route Citroën Traction

The White Horse at Southill

Arriving at the White Horse Puch Bikes parked at the White Horse Bikes parked at the White Horse Then the rain started Sheltering from the rain - five minutes to opening time Danny arrives on the Motom Next is Dave on the Cyclemaster Cyclemaster The Burdin on the recovery trailer After lunch - ready for a very wet ride back After lunch - ready for a very wet ride back

Back at the hall

Another bike on the trailer - a victim of drowned electrics A marooned Cyclemaster

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