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MoT exemption

November 2011

The Department for Transport is consulting on the possibility of exempting certain groups of older vehicles from an annual MoT test.  The consultation, proposing to exempt all vehicles manufactured prior to 1960, has now been published and can be found at

The FBHVC is also seeking views from historic vehicle owners before responding to this.  There is a simple on-line survey that can be accessed from  It should take no more than five minutes to complete.

Self-scrapping & ELV

October 2011

When DVLA changed the V5C document last year, they removed the box that allows you to inform them that a vehicle has been scrapped.  This was because of new ELV (End of Life Vehicles) regulations that meant vehicles could only be scrapped at an ATF (Authorised Treatment Facility).  However, motor cycles and some historc vehcles fall outside the ELV regulations so, although it's legal to scrap or dismantle these, there was seemingly no way to inform DVLA of this, leaving the prospect of continuing SORN liability on a non-existant vehicle.

This has been clarified by the FBHVC in its latest newsletter:

"For vehicles outside the scope of the ELV requirement, such as historic vehicles, the V5C can still be used.  If ... a keeper is self scrapping, then the whole V5C can be sent to DVLA with a covering explanation letter, dated and signed.  Within 4 weeks DVLA should confirm receipt that the person is no longer the keeper of the vehicle, and this discharges the requirement to tax or SORN each year."

For more information, see the FBHVC website.

e-Petition on 'rolling' historic vehicle tax

October 2011

There is an e-Petition to restore a rolling 30-year old exemption to VED.  In the latest FBHVC newsletter, Dacvid Hurley makes these comments:

On the face of it, this is an understandable move to eradicate the invidious gap between the VED treatment of pre-1973 vehicles and more modern classics, caused by the actions of Gordon Brown who, when Chancellor, stopped the rolling nature of the Historic VED category.  The FBHVC have consistently asked for reinstatement on a thirty year basis (originally it was 25 years) but whilst Labour were in power it proved impossible.

Prior to the election last year the Conservatives acknowledged the anomaly and agreed to review it if they gained power, while warning that it would probably need to be fiscally neutral.  (That's before they opened the books!)  The political climate (Coalition) and economic situation have deteriorated dramatically since the change of government.  With the programme of deficit reduction adversely affecting government spending, including that for vulnerable sections of society, it is, in my personal view, the wrong time to raise the profile of this anomaly and could prejudice any future change for many years.

The theory behind e-petitions is that if the petition gets 100,000 signatures, and gets the support of the Backbenchers' Committee, it will be debated in the Commons.  It is inevitable that the coalition would be against change at this juncture since it cuts across the main government policy and would give away revenue to a minority interest.  You can also imagine the reaction of the opposition; it would be perceived as giving away revenue to 'Hooray Henrys' in their expensive classics whilst at the same time cuts to expenditure on the NHS, Social Services, concessionary fares for OAPs and libraries continue.  Issues raised in any debate would leave a lasting bad feeling against our movement and make it politically impossible to change the concession for many years.  It is also possible that some opposition members might question the continuing existing concession.  It is vitally important to retain public and political support for our movement and to avoid any accusations of being a blinkered self-interested minority.  Adverse press coverage would be inevitable.

The FBHVC board will debate the merits of this petition at its next meeting on 21 September and no doubt it will also be a topic for discussion during the AGM.

For more information, see the FBHVC website.

19=inch rim

2×19 'Westwood' pattern rims available again!

September 2011

New chrome 2×19 (1.20) Radaelli 'Westwood' pattern 36 hole rims are available again.  This rim has been unavailable for several years since trade stocks ran out, but Mopedland has now imported a new 06/10 batch of rims.  Radaelli rims have suffered a little from 'variable quality' in the past, but an independent sample inspection by a professional wheel builder reports that "The quality of the pierce, welded joint, polish and plating standard on this latest 06/10 batch is very good indeed.  Certainly far better than any earlier batches I've seen".  At last it looks as if the Italian quality might be coming good!  Mopedland is now listing these rims at £38 each in the Chainmail section of the website. Contact , tel: 01473-659607 (Ipswich).

Bastille Day Rally

August 2011

On Sunday, July 10th, the Greater New York Citroën and Vélosolex Club held its tenth annual Bastille Day Rendezvous in conjunction with the "Bastille Day on 60th Street" French-American street fair.  Main sponsors for the Rendezvous this year were Air France and L'Occitane who both handed out free gifts to the participants.

The weather this year was very nice in the morning for the ride to the event, but heated up very quickly, causing the usual heat-related problems with several club vehicles as the day progressed and the traffic thickened.

Having used model 4600s at the past few events, I decided to go with something different this year, and chose a US version 1974 Solex S3800.  To see the characteristics and differences of a US version S3800, please check out my new website, dedicated to the US version Solex S3800s:  Like the 4600 website, the 3800 website is perpetually under construction, so please check back often to see new info and photos as they become available.

I met Pierre in Woodside on Long Island at 7:30am on Sunday morning so that we could be ready to leave by 8:00.  As we set off, Pierre had a slight running problem with his German version 1974 Solex S3800, and so he quickly switched rides to his US version 1967 Solex S3800.  We then enjoyed a beautiful ride from Long Island, across the Queensborough Bridge with its magnificent views, onto Manhattan Island, proceeding uptown on First Avenue, and then cross-town through Harlem on 125th Street to the usual starting point: Grant’s Tomb on the upper west-side.  This year, about 14 Citroëns and about 10 Solexes showed up for the Rendezvous.  Representing the Citroën section were eight various 2CVs, two Traction-Avants, two CX's, one DS, and one SM.  And the Solex group consisted of two Impex S3800s, one 4600 V1, one 4600 V2, one 4600 V3, three standard S3800s, one Pli-Solex, and one S4800 that suffered a broken freewheel near the beginning of the ride and was taken out of action.

The first part of the ride took us basically down Broadway and Seventh Avenue, through Times Square and some brutal traffic, and then down Fifth Avenue to Washington Square Park where we cooled off for awhile.  My ignition took a beating in the heat and traffic, and so I quickly replaced my damaged points and condenser, giving a quick Solex history lesson to the small group of onlookers that had gathered for the spectacle.

The second part of the ride was basically uptown on Third Avenue, and then down Fifth Avenue to the Bastille Day on 60th Street French-American street fair sponsored by the Alliance-Francaise.

After spending a few hours at the street fair, Pierre and I refueled our Solexes for our ride cross-town and back over the Queensborough Bridge to Long Island where we enjoyed a couple of ice cold beers while we reviewed the day's events.


Photos: Day Rendezvous NYC 2011/?albumview=slideshow

Photos and videos: Day Rendezvous NYC 2011/

Brian Colter


July 2011

Now it's summer please accept our apologies if our responses to your queries aren't as quick as usual - especially during the last week of July and first week of August ... we're off on holiday.  If rural France is bristling with Wi-Fi access points, we'll be able to keep up.  Somehow, that doesn't seen very likely.

Wrong Way Down flyer

Wrong Way Down

July 2011

Seven middle-aged guys from Norfolk who, after reminiscing about the past one evening, got on to the subject of the first mopeds they'd ever owned... we’re talking 1960-70 models here.  Much later that night, somehow they'd managed to bind themselves over to a vow (under the threat of death) to ride the same models of mopeds from John O'Groats in Scotland, to Wymondham in Norfolk... and this all for charity.

Well, that was last year and, although totally unorganised, somehow they actually managed to do it!  And they raised quite a bit for a cancer charity in the process.

2011 - Lands End to Wymondham in Norfolk... via the South Coast.

So ... they’re at it again this year.  However this year, being ever so slightly more organised, they are trying to organise stop-off points on their journey home.  If you want to promote an event, your business or help them raise cash on their journey home... what are you waiting for, get in contact fast!  See the Wrong Way Down website at

Clark Scamp Run

July 2011

There's a Clark Scamp 'sub-run' being arranged in parallel with the EACC Coprolite Run & Mopedjumble from Bucklesham Village Hall on Sunday 18th September.

'Flash-mobbing' established runs with specialist machines was something we've arranged in the past but hasn't been done for several years.  This was quite successful in examples where we got together a number of Raleigh Wisps at one Suffolk Section event, and particularly when we managed to line up three extremely rare Ambassador Mopeds at the Banbury Run in 2002.

Ambassador mopeds
The largest number of Ambassador mopeds seen
in the same place in this century

The plan this time is to muster a group of Clark Scamps for the Coprolite Run and, while most people would be pretty surprised to see even a single Scamp in use (let's face it, they can be a little mechanically challenging), what we already have planned is way beyond anyone's expectation of what may be possible.  It already looks as if we could have up to six Scamps attending the event!  IceniCAM's Andrew Pattle and Dave Watson will beriding the machines that were featured in The Devil Rides Out article of July 2007, and Mark Daniels, Chris Day, and Luke Booth attempting to ride further examples.  It's hoped that Luke may also be demonstrating his Clark Scamp 'pusher-wheel' special, so might that be six bikes or just 5½?  If any other Scamp riders would make it to the event, then you'd be in good company.  You don't need to be an EACC member: the club welcomes non-members at its events.

How many might even start, let alone complete the run?  Will the back-up vehicles fill with dead Scamps?  Whatever happens, this promises to be a rare entertainment!

EACC makes Lohmanns Legal

July 2011

The Lohmann is an 18cc compression-ignition cyclemotor and, because it's compression-ignition, it doesn't run at all well using petrol.  The solution to this is to use some paraffin/kerosene in the fuel mix.  However, because no fuel duty is paid on the kerosene, it's illegal to use this mixture on the roads in the UK ... until now.  The East Anglian Cyclemotor Club has negotiated what's called a "General Licence to mix hydrocarbon oils" that applies to all its members using Lohmanns in the UK

If you have a Lohmann and you're not an EACC member ... perhaps you should be; you can join by going to the EACC's website at

The FBHVC has a similar licence covering all its member clubs but this only applies to tractors - it does not apply to the Lohmann.
Some Lohmann fuel recipes also use Diesel fuel in the mix - this must still be duty-paid fuel; the licence does not allow the use of 'Red Diesel'.

Bastille Day Rally

July 2011

The Greater New York Citroen & Vélosolex Touring Club is pleased to announce that the twelfth Annual Bastille Day Rally & Rendez-Vous Around New York City will take place on Sunday, July 10, 2011.  With over 50 Citro7euml;n automobiles and Vélosolex motorized bicycles from France, the Rally is the largest active automotive event in New York City.  The Consul General of France will officiate the 10:00 AM Rally start.

The classic car and motorbike rally will commence on Riverside Drive in Manhattan and wind through the streets and avenues around New York City, and conclude with an after party at the Brasserie Beaumarchais - In conjunction with Air France, L'Occitane and Vélosolex America our global sponsors, D'Artagnan, Crusty Bakery, Matrix Fund Services and the French Institute - Alliance Française Bastille Day Fair our US-based sponsors, the vehicles will be on display at the Bastille Day Fair from 1:00pm thri 3:00pm.  As in previous years the public is invited to view the vehicles prior to depart, along the Rally route, at the Bastille Day Fair on Fifth Avenue and 60th Street and at the conclusion in front of the Brasserie Beaumarchais.

The Bastille Day Rally & Rendez-Vous Around New York City
An annual event showcasing classic Citroën automobiles and Vélosolex motorbikes
Sunday, July 10, 2011 at 10:00am (take off time)
Line up at 122nd Street and Riverside Drive (south), New York City, NY
Interested participants can register by contacting Howie Seligmann, Ed Merryman or Steve Hassa at +1.201.863.7600

Biofuel additives

June 2011

In its latest newsletter, the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) reports that it has contacted seven suppliers of biofuel corrosion inhibitor additives inviting them to take part in the FBHVC test programme.  Those products that pass the test may then carry the FBHVC logo on the packaging.  The products submitted will either be given a 'pass' or a 'fail'; the Federation will not grade them for effectiveness.

The fuel has to be aged for 13 weeks while tests are conducted on each sample every two weeks and compared with a base fuel.

It should be noted that no endorsements for any products have been granted yet.  Details of the biofuel additives will be shown on the Federation website when test results are available, in a few months time.

Please remember that corrosion inhibitors should overcome many of the problems associated with the inclusion of ethanol in petrol but will not address material compatibility issues.

Historic Vehicle Survey

June 2011

The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) is conducting a survey connected with historic vehicles.  One of its main aims is to determine the significance historic vehicles have to the British economy, information that should help the FBHVC with its campaigning.

All FBHVC member clubs and trade supporters have been sent questionaires.  As well as the clubs and businesses connected with historic vehicles, the FBHVC would like as many historic vehicle owners as possible to complete a survey form.  It's an on-line survey (a paper version is available, but the procedure for completing that is daft).  Even if you don't own a pre-1981 vehicle, the FBHVC would like you to do the survey.  To complete it, go to the FBHVC website at

Contrôle Technique 50cm³

May 2011

In the UK, we've always looked rather enviously at France where, to ride a moped, you don't need all that registration, MoT and licence business.  As we've reported previously, French legislators are catching up now and all French mopeds had to be registered from the beginning of this year.

Now they're going a step further: next year mopeds will be subject to Contrôle Technique (CT) - the French equivalent of the MoT.  At the moment, no two-wheelers in France have to go through CT; mopeds will be the first to have it applied.  It is expected that they will be tested every 2 years and the cost for the test will be between 50€ and 60€.  Based upon the current practice for cars, historic vehicles will only have to be tested every five years but, because they were never registered before, some historic mopeds in France have a first registration date in 2010 or 2011!

There is considerable opposition to this move from all French motorcyclists - who realise that, while the new legislation is only aimed at mopeds, it won't be long before it's extended to all other motor cycles.

Continuous Insurance Enforcement (CIE)

February 2011

We've had a number of questions about continuous insurance recently.  The Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC) printed an explanation of the ins and outs of CIE in its December 2011 newsletter.  That's available on the FBHVC website at and is the best place to go for a full explanation.

Here are a few brief points covering the most frequently asked questions:

If a vehicle is taxed, it must be insured even if it's not being used on the road.

If a vehicle is on SORN, it is exempt from CIE.

If a vehicle is pre-SORN (ie: registered with a V5 but has been off the road since before February 1998, it is exempt from CIE.

If a vehicle is not registered (has never had a V5), it is exempt from CIE.

There are some circumstances when you can be wrongly issued with a Insurance Advisory Notice because the data on the MID (Motor Insurance Database) is wrong; for example:

A vehicle newly registered with an age-related number, but is recorded on the MID under its old number, or its frame number,

If the vehicle is insured under a multi-vehicle insurance policy (trader's or company policy) that does not list the individual vehicles.

In cases like this you can check the MID by going to  If the MID is wrong, contact you insurer to correct it (do not contact DVLA, they cannot change the MID, only insurers can do that)

If you're taking a vehicle off the road and off your insurace, then declare SORN even if the tax hasn't expired yet; return the tax disc on a form V14.

Tour NZ by Solex

January 2011

Lex Schotel is organising a tour of New Zealand bt VéloSoleX in 2012.  He needs a minimum of 10 riders for the trip to go ahead.  If you're interested, contact him at .  Lex normally organises tours with big bikes and you can see details of these at; prices and itinerary for the Solex tour will be completely different.

New Book

Electric Bicycles - book cover

January 2011

A new book has just been published on Electric Bicycles.  The authors are David Henshaw and Richard Peace and there is a foreword by Dick Strawbridge.  This comprehensive guide tells you everything about modern electric bikes: why you might want one; choosing, using and maintaining them; the technicalities about how they work; what types are available; the legal requirements and a look at what their future might be.  As well as that, 40 of the book's 256 pages are devoted to a history of electric bikes from the end of the 19th century to the present day. Electric Bicycles costs £12.95 and is published by Excellent Books, ISBN 978-1-901464-24-5.

Even older news stories are available in our 2010 News Archive

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